Video clips are arranged in various categories for easy browsing.
Videvo is a source of hundreds of stock videos and motion graphics, which are available for download without any charge. ( Note: use Google Translate to check the page out in the language of your choice).
HD-Trainings provide free stock videos and video footage, which can be used in your own video productions. You can check their free section (located in the top menu) to download free video footage. Experts leave their bids under the posted order, waiting for Reading Fun Flash Card 4 PkSchool Zone Publishing Company Staff a client to settle on which writer, among those who left their bids, they want to choose. These industry layouts, manufacturing layouts, construction templates, industrial flash templates can be a nice start to launch a web project of your own. You can get free access to high quality video clips after signing up on the website.Ĭute Stock Footage is a source of premium quality stock videos and sound effects. A bid is Reading Fun Flash Card 4 PkSchool Zone Publishing Company Staff a fee writers offer to clients for each particular order.
Videezy is a community of amateur and professional videographers for sharing HD quality video footage. Open Footage is a source of free video footage organized in various categories for easy access and download. It offers many free stock videos and backgrounds for ‘free to view’ video productions.Ĭlip Canvas is a premium source of stock video footage and production music. X Stock Video is a source of premium quality stock videos and footage. It offers free stock videos and video footage which can be used in any video production. Movie Tools is a place to download free animated 2D and 3D video backgrounds, animations and stock videos.įree Video Footage is a place to download hundreds of video footage, stock videos and video backgrounds.įree HD Stock Footage is a Vimeo group by Phil Fried. Motion Backgrounds is a place to download professional quality motion backgrounds and video footage.Īlex Free Stock Video Footage offers free and downloadable video footage and stock videos in HD quality. Just register for an account and select the free templates from their template library.īeachfront is a blogspot compilation where you can download unique HD stock footage and animated backgrounds for any production purpose. FlixPress also offers some video templates for free. You can also create your own custom animations using different pictures on this website.įlixPress is a place to create professional video templates. Splasheo is a source of free video boosters. Ignite Motion is a place to download animated backgrounds and video loopbacks, which can be used for personal or commercial purposes.įree Footage is a place to find various collections of HD quality video footage.įootage Crate offers free and royalty-free video resources for independent filmmakers and creative persons. It offers around 400 videos to download for free. Motion Elements is a source of premium stock videos. However, due to variations in materials and coating, color results can fluctuate.40+ Websites to Download Royalty-Free ImagesĬhances are you're pretty tired of seeing traditional stock photos of people in suits shaking hands.